Become a member!

The ALPS Foundation runs above all on the intrinsic motivation and the volunteer engagement of all its members. That’s why donations and financial contributions are decisive for making us able to do what we do. 

An annual contribution helps us fund the three pillars of our projects: Education, Research, and Medical Access Facilitation. All donations go directly toward these projects.

Donations keep the wheels running as we continue working diligently to share the science and development of psychedelics.

As a Member, you will support us with an annual membership fee. We are devoted to an Open Science approach, i.e. everyone should be able to have direct access to any ALPS content for free regardless of the membership status. While all educational content (e.g. recorded talks) is open for free to access on the internet, the subscription to the ALPS membership nevertheless comes with unique benefits. Discover our exclusive membership package below!

What’s included

  • Access to dedicated in-person meetings for members only, twice a year. 

  • A limited-edition ALPS gadget per year.

  • Monthly newsletter with latest updates on psychedelics worldwide.

  • Early notification about upcoming ALPS events (talks, activities, symposium and more) and possibility for early access/subscription 

  • For bigger ALPS events (e.g., conferences and summer/winter schools): possibility to be a priority volunteer/helper for the event organization, with a subsequent participation free of charge

  • Discount on conference/summer school tickets

  • A dedicated internal ALPS Slack channel for members to connect and to exchange questions, doubts, curiosities, and anything else about psychedelics.

A list of our supporters will be proudly published on ALPS website (if you agree to have your name there)

  • Student Membership (+ AVS)

    For Bachelor’s Master’s, PhD students,
    or equivalent…

    CHF 60.–/year

  • General Membership

    For postdocs, research assistants, and young professionals under 30…

    CHF 150.–/year

  • Professional Membership

    For maitre-assistants, professors, PIs, higher-level academics & non-academic professionals over 30…

    CHF 250.–/year